Lambs Lane Primary School is a single-form entry school which means that each year we admit 30 pupils into our reception class. We are also resourced to take up to 10 pupils with a complex need, who are fully integrated into the mainstream classes. This gives us a maximum pupil number of 220 pupils.
Lambs Lane is situated on the edge of the village of Spencers Wood and has served the village and the surrounding area for more than 100 years. Our vision and ethos is summed up by our strapline, ‘Reach Out & Shine’.
Our school works hard to foster and nurture a love of learning and we take pride in both our efforts and achievements. We are a community which values and celebrates the individual and inspires everyone to achieve their highest potential.
We have high expectations of the whole school community and challenge everybody, whatever their role, to Reach Out and Shine. The best way of achieving this is by working together to develop curiosity and confidence and by promoting the attributes needed to become active learners.
The team of dedicated and supportive staff work hard to give the children the best opportunity to succeed and parents are seen as partners in the educational journey of their child and are encouraged to be actively involved with the school community.
As a school community that aspires to ‘Reach Out and Shine’ we know that we benefit from working closely with others. We learn from them, share ideas, develop new strategies, and gain from working with a wider group of talent and expertise. Joining the OLA gives us access to a large pool of professional colleagues who will support and challenge us to provide the very best opportunities for the pupils in our school.
School leaders will work alongside each other, school governors, and trustees, to develop strategy and push through ideas and initiatives which will benefit us all. School teaching and non-teaching staff will be able to access a range of training and development to develop their professional skills, as well as having access to career opportunities across the Trust.
Our pupils will benefit from increased opportunities to participate in a range of extended activities, as well as the support being offered from staff who are committed to meeting their needs.
Our Schools