At Highwood we not only promote academic and sporting excellence, but we also place a huge emphasis on teaching children the skills they need to become effective learners.
These learning behaviours are Perseverance, Teamwork, Curiosity, Creativity, Reflection and Independence. We strongly believe that if our children continually develop these skills alongside making academic progress, then we have been successful in preparing them for our ever-changing world.
We celebrate the diversity of cultures within our school community and welcome the opportunity to develop our children as positive citizens within society.
This is where our motto becomes a living statement, as we truly believe that we have a school “Where Individuals Matter”.
Our ethos is to focus on every child being happy at Highwood; to help them make progress and achieve their own ambitions. With this individual focus, our whole school outcomes will continue to improve and help us develop Highwood into an ‘Outstanding’ school.
Highwood prides itself on our inclusive nature. This is epitomised through the exceptional work undertaken in our Speech and Language Unit attached to the school. With spaces for 14 children with EHCPs for Developmental Language Disorder from all over Wokingham, the children have access to expert provision as well as integrated support in a mainstream classroom.
The Values, Vision and Mission statements of the Orchard Learning Alliance go hand in hand with what we strive for at Highwood. Working in collaboration with other likeminded schools, that share similar educational philosophies, will allow us to continue to improve whilst retaining everything that makes Highwood a unique school.
Our Schools